Take your Vocabulary from Average to Amazing

Learn 300+ high-level vocabulary words, so you can speak and write like a master of the English language

You Already Have Enough English To Communicate.

What you’ll learn

Course Content


What if you could learn 300 advanced words in the next few weeks – by studying just a few minutes a day?

Let’s Take Your Vocabulary From Simple To Sophisticated!


What Students Say:


The Advanced Vocabulary & Collocations Course Will Help You:

  1. Build your vocabulary with advanced words
  2. Put words together naturally (the same way a native speaker would)
  3. Practice your new vocabulary so you’ll actually remember it
  4. Sound more intelligent and well-educated in English

Are You Ready To Advance Your Vocabulary To A Higher Level?

Hi, I’m Andreea – a CELTA-qualified English teacher. I’ve helped more than 10,000 students like you, from all over the world, improve their English through my clear and practical lessons. With more than 10 years of teaching experience, I know how to get you the results you want from your English learning, without wasting your time.


In this course, it’s like I am sitting in the room with you, guiding you to improve your vocabulary as you follow me to learn how to use 10 new words and phrases each day in 30 different contexts. You will learn the target English vocabulary at a deep level, so that you can sound more native-like when you speak English.

NO! You don’t need to study for long hours every day!

NO! You don’t need to memorize boring lists of words (that no one really uses)


YES! You can give your vocabulary a powerful boost with fast, focused lessons!