Biology-Control & Co-ordination_ Nervous system_ Human Brain

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Nervous system in Animal and Plants-Movement, Receptors, CNS, PNS, Reflex arc, synapse, Human Brain, spinal cord & more

This Biology Course on Biology-Control & Co-ordination- Nervous system-Human Brain is an intermediary class course designed from the perspective of education & learning. This course covers the general syllabus related to the topic Control & Coordination -Movement, Receptor, Nervous system, Human brain.

What you’ll learn

Course Content

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This Biology Course on Biology-Control & Co-ordination- Nervous system-Human Brain is an intermediary class course designed from the perspective of education & learning. This course covers the general syllabus related to the topic Control & Coordination -Movement, Receptor, Nervous system, Human brain.

This course provides deep knowledge & conceptual understanding in Control & Coordination in plants and animals like about movements, receptors, nervous system in plant and animals. This also makes us learn about nervous system in different living bodies .

Further it provide concept movement, types of movement, involuntary movements, control in movement and various movement disorders.

It provide deep understanding about coordination and types of coordination

It helps to understand about receptors includes – What is receptors, classification of receptors, sensory receptors and receptors at molecular level.

It also helps in provide knowledge about Nervous system in Animals – like, nervous system in various organism, central nervous system , peripheral nervous system, cells of nervous systems (neurons and glial cells), synapses, reflux arc, knee jerk reflex, human brain (forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain) , spinal cord, its anatomy, Neuro muscular junction and many more.

It also give good understanding about the Nervous system in Plants – Introduction, Tropic movement, Nastic Movement and

Chemical Communication as well

It also includes Quiz with each section of course for better understanding and clear all doubts related to topic.

Here , you also get various practical lab projects, activities & experiments belongs to different sections of this course to encourage practical learning and  familiarizes you with tools and equipment that you will be required to use..