PowerQuery M code language Part4

Data cleaning and structuring using Powerquery M Code

Please note that if you have seen previous Parts of M code series then only it will be a fun and clarity. This part 4 is not for beginers . If you know how to use lists, functions and how to write syntax in m code, pls go ahead and take this course.

What you’ll learn

  • This is M code Part4 and this course will provide the information on List Generate and List Buffer type of functions.
  • This is an advance level and one should already know M code very well, especially about Lists and table functions..
  • You will learn how to use recursive functions like a loop which can take different inputs every time it runs..
  • Advance functions for data analysis and data strucuring..

Course Content

  • Introduction –> 16 lectures • 3hr 50min.

PowerQuery M code language Part4


  • Please note that if you have seen previous Parts of M code series then only it will be a fun and clarity. This part 4 is not for beginers . If you know how to use lists, functions and how to write syntax in m code, pls go ahead and take this course.
  • M code Part4 is talking about List.genrate function and how to use it as a function in real life plus other functions also in focuss.
  • Introducing the list generate function in M code.
  • What is a list generate function and how its parameters work
  • What is the initial parameter, what is the conditional parameter and execution parameter?
  • How to use list generate function using two variables or even more than two variables and how to know the number of variables we have to use.
  • We have started from a beginning and have tried to explain the Concept of this function is clear step by step.
  • There is a 4th hidden parameter which students never see and infact , even they know they don’t know how to use it and what is the use of same.
  • What is the role of an optional parameter in list generate function and how does it work.
  • How to know where do we use square brackets , commas especially in a code where it is using data.
  • How to convert list generate into a function which takes inputs and then connect it with the real data
  • Table sort function in real data
  • Table select column function
  • Table select rows function
  • How to combine two columns in a sequence using Mcode interface.
  • How to approach a problem – with function and without function – which one is better
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