Lose weight without dieting using Slimmer Mindset Hypnosis

Use hypnosis to successfully lose weight and keep it off without dieting by acquiring the slimmer person’s mindset today

Discover how to use hypnosis to create the slim person’s mindset to finally achieve your vision and maintain your ideal weight goals.

What you’ll learn

Course Content


Discover how to use hypnosis to create the slim person’s mindset
to finally achieve your vision and maintain your ideal weight goals.

Realise that all learning, behaviour and change is unconscious.
Hypnosis, and Self-Hypnosis, is about learning to change behaviour at
the unconscious level.

Understand that slim
people don’t have to torture themselves over what they want to eat.
They just have a different outlook and relationship with food; they
enjoy eating without denial and without feeling guilty.

Learn to use hypnosis to let go of what’s holding you down
physically and emotionally, and reveal the amazing person you truly

In this course you will:

you don’t know where you’re going, all roads lead there – especially
with weight loss.
This course has
10 Hypnosis sessions to keep you on track.

weight loss books, programmes and methods involve going without.
Hypnosis helps stop the internal conflict and align your sights on
your goals without the self flagellation that many of these systems
require and seem to delight in.

All successful achievers have the winning mindset. Hypnosis and
self-hypnosis has been used for years to help people change their
beliefs and attitudes; to let go of negative emotions and limiting
beliefs. Many successful people use hypnosis and self-hypnosis to
create the winning mindset in all walks of life.

a hypnotherapist, trainer and life coach I have helped people create
great changes in their lives for more than 25 years. This
course is based on years of experience helping many people succeed in
achieving their ideal body weight through group and one to one
sessions. By taking this course in the comfort or your own home and
your own time you too can learn to use these same techniques. I am
also available for help throughout the course on the message board.

of the 10 sessions ends in a hypnosis session which requires you to
sit back, relax and listen; that’s about as difficult as it gets. the
hypnosis sessions can be downloaded so that you can listen to them
any time you want.

so much ‘stuff’ around what and how we eat. We’ve maybe been told to
eat up and clear the plate because there are starving people
elsewhere. Or maybe we’ve had food put in front of us and been told
that someone would have to wait because you were getting their meal.
How does stuff like that feel? What messages are we getting on a
subconscious level? We’ve had so many attachments around food for so long that we
don’t even know where to begin when it comes to changing ourselves.
Many of these attachments have little or nothing to do with eating. These hypnosis sessions are designed to help you let go of all of

By taking this course you’ll have discovered how you can use hypnosis to achieve your goals. You’ll also have a greater sense of who you are and that many great things are possible when you adopt the correct mental attitude. You’ll also be aware of how hypnosis can help you in many other areas of your life and how great change always comes from within. What else is possible?