YOLOv7 Object Detection Course

YOLOv7 Object Detection Inference & Training

==Price going up to $29 on 5th October 2022 due to new content==

What you’ll learn

Course Content


==Price going up to $29 on 5th October 2022 due to new content==

Object-detection technology is widely used as the backend of many applications in the industry, including desktop and web applications. Also, it’s a backbone for many computer vision tasks, which include object segmentation, object tracking, object classification, object counting, etc. The YOLO (You Only Look Once) model is a single-stage object detector. Image frames are featured through a backbone, features are combined and mixed in the neck, and then they are passed along to the head of the network where YOLO predicts the bounding box locations, the classes of the bounding boxes, and the objectness of the bounding boxes. With its amazing characteristics, YOLOv7 is a real-time object detector that is now transforming computer vision.

In comparison to its earlier iterations, the official YOLOv7 offers incredible speed and precision. YOLOv7 weights are trained without pre-trained weights using the COCO dataset from Microsoft. With this full-stack object detection course, you will learn to code YOLOv7 from the basics, training your custom YOLOv7, multi-object tracking system, Flask integrations, various segmentation, and object detection feature to its most practical applications. You will also have access to the most delicate details of this state-of-the-art system.

In this course, we will share the first two modules of our full-stack course.

Module 1 – Getting Started with YOLOv7

Module 2 – Training YOLOv7 on Custom Dataset

This course is highly recommended to anyone interested in computer vision!