Technical Writing: Getting Started with Python

Learn the basic syntax of Python to become a successful technical writer

Are you a technical writer looking to learn what Python programming language is all about? Or do you simply want to advance in your career as a technical writer in the software development industry?

What you’ll learn

Course Content


Are you a technical writer looking to learn what Python programming language is all about? Or do you simply want to advance in your career as a technical writer in the software development industry?

If yes, then this course can help!

Python is by far the most popular programming language today. According to SlashData, “there are now 8.2 million developers in the world who code using Python and that population is now larger than those who build in Java” language.

If you are serious about your technical writing career, you must be able to communicate efficiently with your development team about the software code they have been developing. Even more, quite often, the top-paying companies in the software industry shall require you, the technical writer in the team, to be able to not only read and understand the Python source code but also to develop sample code exercises that enrich the developers’ documentation.

But how can you do that if you are just a technical writer and you’ve never written a single line of code?! You should find someone to show you and guide you in this software development jungle, preferably – fast so that you can get back to writing the documentation that helps your target users!

In this course, that’s exactly what we cover!

Our top expert in Python, Ph.D. Sehrish Aqeel shares her vast experience with Python in her friendly and relaxed way. She has more than 14 years of experience teaching at the University and online. And now, she shares her knowledge with the technical communications community via this course.

You will soon see that Python language can be easy to understand and learn when you have the right teacher.

No complicated theory just practical explanation and simple hands-on exercises to smoothly introduce you to the language. Of course, this course does not aim to turn you into a developer – do not expect to gain solid development skills here. However, by the end of this course, you will become a Technical Writer who can read and understand Python source code, you will be able to use Python’s terminology confidently, and you will get the chance to develop a simple application yourself, following the instructor’s guidelines.

So, enroll now and see how simple and easy Python can be, and impress your development team with the skills of a professional Technical Writer who knows Python language too!