Learn 3D Pathfinding with Octrees

Discover how to carve up 3D space with octrees and implement the A* algorithm to build AI to automatically navigate.

Ever wanted to take navmeshes off the level and extend them into 3D space? The techniques revealed in this course will show you how to use Octrees to recursively divide space for use with the A* algorithm to find paths from one location to another. Throughout, you will follow along in the Unity game engine to develop a project that creates and visualises Octrees in carving up the space around game objects before developing an automatic navigating AI character that uses A* for pathfinding.

What you’ll learn

Course Content


Ever wanted to take navmeshes off the level and extend them into 3D space? The techniques revealed in this course will show you how to use Octrees to recursively divide space for use with the A* algorithm to find paths from one location to another. Throughout, you will follow along in the Unity game engine to develop a project that creates and visualises Octrees in carving up the space around game objects before developing an automatic navigating AI character that uses A* for pathfinding.

The course includes:

By the end of this course, you will have a thorough appreciation of the power of Octrees and their use in 3D pathfinding and be able to implement them in Unity to develop your own AI characters with auto-navigation.

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