Create Movie API Using PHP

Build Movie API Using PHP From Scratch

In this course you’ll learn how to create a complete Movies API from scratch in PHP that is capable of creating, retrieving, updating and deleting movies from the database. The process has never been easier. I’ll take you from the very beginning stages of installing PHP till the last steps of Building an API in PHP.

What you’ll learn

  • Build Movies API from scratch using PHP..
  • Install PHP Work Environment..
  • Connect to Database using PHP..
  • Create database tables..
  • Insert movies into database..
  • Update movies info..
  • Get movies from database..
  • Get a movie by title..
  • Make GET requests..
  • Make POST requests..
  • and much more….

Course Content

  • Introduction –> 25 lectures • 2hr 22min.

Create Movie API Using PHP


In this course you’ll learn how to create a complete Movies API from scratch in PHP that is capable of creating, retrieving, updating and deleting movies from the database. The process has never been easier. I’ll take you from the very beginning stages of installing PHP till the last steps of Building an API in PHP.

Create Movies API using PHP:

API stands for application programming interface. I’ll use PHP to build a complete movies API. If you’ve good understanding & experience in PHP & MySql then this course is for you. PHP is a server-side programming language and is considered one of the best programming language to build APIs with. Moreover, an API is an essential part of advanced web applications. Learning how to develop one will put you on the right track to have an outstanding career in Back-end Web Development. The Back-end part of web development is usually underestimated by the beauty of what front-end developers can do, however, you need to remember that without the back-end side of the web, the whole process would be meaningless and probably fall apart!


Some of What you will learn in Build Movies API in PHP :

  • How to download  PHP & Create New Project.
  • How to create Movies database.
  • Create & design your database movies table.
  • Filling up your tables with data quickly.
  • RESTful APIs in PHP.
  • How to insert movies into the database.
  • How to get a movie by id.
  • How to get a movie by title.
  • How to get all movies from your database.
  • Update data related to a specific movie.
  • Delete a movie from your database.
  • Response codes.
  • API documentation.
  • And Much Much More!
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