How to Quantify Customer Benefits, Savings, and Solutions

This course covers how to quantify customer benefits, savings, and solutions – and sell more!

Value-Driven Selling – The true value of your products, services, and solutions is most meaningful and important to your prospects and customers when it is measured in quantifiable financial terms. Learn how to quantify customer benefits, savings, and solutions – and sell more!

What you’ll learn

Course Content


Value-Driven Selling – The true value of your products, services, and solutions is most meaningful and important to your prospects and customers when it is measured in quantifiable financial terms. Learn how to quantify customer benefits, savings, and solutions – and sell more!

What’s more convincing?  “This will save you lots of money,” or “With our solutions, you will save $25,000 a year over 10 years, totaling $250,000.” Everyone talks about “value,” but the real challenge is making the value specific and believable so the customer can grasp what the true bottom-line value is to him/her. The key to determining value involves three steps:

(1) Do research and questioning to identify the value – learn what factors, elements or benefits go into each product or solution;

(2) estimate the value for each factor or saving; and

(3) extrapolate the total value over the expected life of the product or solution so the customer can accurately picture the long-term projected value involved in terms of savings and additional revenue generated. That’s why the second example above is more convincing – and memorable!

Finding the value of each individual opportunity can be challenging, and few sales professionals or customers know how to accurately measure the true value of the products, services, and solutions being sold.  In this course, you discover how to use the IMPACT acronym to quantify six interacting elements of your offering in specific financial terms: Inventory, Money, People, Assets, Capability, and Time.

When costs, savings, revenues, and values related to the six IMPACT factors are clearly and realistically identified, it’s relatively simple to add and extrapolate them to arrive at a significant value-driven saving. With a value-driven product or solution in hand, you are now ready to sell the true value of your products, services, and solutions – and gain a real competitive edge!